i love my friends. the ones that are always there :) the ones that no matter what will never treat you any differently and will always stand by your side when you need them the most. the ones that you can honestly say that you have spilled your heart to and know they would never want to hurt you. the friends you can have confidence that you are gonna get married and have kids and still will be best friends.
even if they are tiny.
but let me say. i love all my friends. all of them :)
So I have to say that I'm better about blogging when I'm at school hahaha but I wanna fill errybody in about what's going on with Marti's house and how excited I am about it!! Hopefully tomorrow I will have time!! Goodnightt!! Love youu!!!!!
he'll come shining. past that ones who couldn't compare.
he'll be there. the only one i see. and nothing not one thing will keep him away.
i have to believe that he's coming i mean. if i didn't then surely i wouldn't hope and dream of him.
but for now God fill that hole.
better still be that hole forever.
Friday, May 6, 2011
so i may or may not have a slight obsession with weheartit.com... just sayin :) here's a couple of my favorites from today :)
none of them really have too much in common other than the fact that i really like them... and my downloads says that those are only what four of the one hundred and two that i saved on my computer today :) tehehehehehe
tonight i will be working a youth lock in at the church in lynchburg that i've been going to. i'm excited. hopefully the kids like it. gahhh i'm kinda nervous. and then i'll be back tomorrow and do some nappin and studying and then hanging out with hannah and uriah and allyson and jeremy. it's weird i really didn't think i would be getting close with anyone in the little bit of time i had left. but i ended up getting really close to them. especially hannah. it makes my heart happy. and ps i dunno if i've told you but i'm gonna be a prayer leader next year!! ahhh!! i'm soo stoked!! i'm kinda scared because it's like a ton of scripture to memorize which i know i'll do but like i'm kinda like ahhh what if the girls dont like me ya know? hopefully that wont be a problem. i'm a generally fun person yeah? so whatever i'm just gonna trust in God and know that He is gonna give me the words to say to these girls because i'm going to be growing in my faith all the time and im praying that God will work through me and build up theirs too :)
i love you mucho and richmond dont miss me too much longer cause i'll be home tuesday!!
some girls are just way too into drama. it blows my mind. i dont understand. why would you wanna put yourself into a situation between other people that you have no business being in? it's unnecessary stress. like seriously? i mean i'm sure there are guys that do it, but thank the Lord i have my choice girl friends that i'm really close to and don't have to deal with that stupid crap. honestly. and how can you tell someone what to do? especially now? um i'm not sure if you've noticed but we're in college and live on our own now. for reals umm yeah i'm pretty sure we can make our own decisions on how we want to approach confrontation. we all have our own way of dealing with things and my lanta if someone wants to get the advice of others on a particular situation then they should be able to. and you know what else FRIENDS AREN'T PROPERTY! they are people and have their own free will and no one has to report to anyone about who they can and cannot say hey to or hang out with. ridiculous. that's petty. it's also not practical to ask questions if you dont wanna know the answer. i understand that yes sometimes it's hurtful, but you asked. how can you be mad when you asked? and how can you expect someone to want to be with you when you gang up on them. that's asking too much. i just feel like it isn't necessary. it's none of my business but my day when you say that i'm one of the people that say you can't hang out that's a little o.d. i dont do anything to anyone but be nice. rawr. again i'm glad that i couldn't care less what any says about me. i'm over girls and their stupid petty drama. i'm so glad the Lord blessed me that way. after everything i've been through He brought me out on top. thank you God.
i love my friends and i wanna hang out, but the work has piled up. i went this whole semester with like no work and now.. ugh. stress to the max. and on top of that i'm ready to kick my roomates. they are loud all the time, like when i'm trying to sleep or study or whatever. and the room is friggin messy as i dont know what! it's ridiculous!! im sad to leave my friends here, but man oh man am i ready to get the heck outta that room!! i got my prayer leader form in yesterday, so hopefully i'll get that, and if not then it wasn't meant to be and maybe i'll try again next semester. i'm not worried about it. i love you!!
yo dudee, it's been like eight and a half years and i should really be doing homework right now but whatevskis ;) so yuhh umm this weekend was tight. friday night i went to the movie night thing with luke and watched tron (which SUCKED) and unstoppable which we sat and made fun of the whole time :) it maade me happy. and then saturday i woke and kat texted me and wanted to get lunch and i was down cause i was like starving so we went to pueblo and i had arroz con pollo, mi favorito :) then we had to drive and get lost to pick up one of her friends... it was an experience hahaha kat was pissed. i think she might have melted down if it had taken any longer. it should have taken 30 minutes to get to the place he was at, but the gps took us all over the place and then he didn't really know where he was and it was craziness and took like an hour to get there. hahaha and then there was a tornado warning and kat freaked :) i wish i would have recorded it. i would set it as my ringtone ;) she was like "great what next?! we're gonna get struck by lightning and then drive off a cliff and be mauled by bears?!" hahahaha it was friggin awesome!! umm so we pick up her friend tucker and then we went to macadoos for a delightful cinnamon sensation. God's gift to the Earth. just sayin :) ummm she dropped me back at my dorm and then me and hannah went to sonic flood at the awakening which was alright i suppose. we met up with jeff and dylan and michelle at the tilly and played Life and egyptian rat screw. twas a good time. so we were there till like 2. i went back and watched...
so yeah that took some time :) ahahaha anyways yuhh, sunday i went to church with daniel and then we went out to lunch with some of his friends. i got to know some of the people which was tight and i'm actually going on a sleep over with those people this friday those that'll be tight. the girls that i met invited me to with them to get my ears pierced. so i was gonna get half way between like the top and the bottom pierced and we were gonna do it at walmart cause it's cheap.. but the walmarts in lynchburg stopped piercing ears and it's like $87 to get your ears pierced at claires. so not worth it. so we didn't get anything pierced. then i went to dinner and the the clab with hannah and uriah and jeremy. we got bored and went to the dollar theater later though and saw unknown with one of uriah's friends and yuhh. it was chill. can i just say i hate being a girl some times. boys are sooo lucky they dont have to go through pms. not a period. just pms. like foreals i would be fine with having a period. like yeah it's annoying, but i could deal with it, but friggin pms. ughhh it pisses me off. and i'm one of the lucky ones (at least for now) since i dont get cramps. i just feel like dump all the time. like i'm crazy. depressed and angry at the same time hahahahahaha and sleepy. like i'm always tired but when i'm pmsing it's 9872384237 times worse. so since this months pms has been so bad my mom thinks i need to go to the doctor and get stuff altered which i kinda do. i just want to see my mom and my dog and my dad and carlton. i miss my town dude. like i love liberty and my friends here but like i dunno i miss my city and my family and friends and stuff. i'm stoked for summer.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************bro can i jjust say that umm yeah i'm going to see friggin KE$HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLALAKSDJOCIAJROAQEJRF;ALKSDJ;KD JCAOIVJ A;DOVKJAS;DL VKAJAS; DKVAS;ODJAS ;DOVJADS; KVJA;DLKJ EOFAIUERFHAU IHFAKDJ ASDV JA;OIDJS D;KIJD VAS;IDJ;OSIDFA;DOIJC I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS!! AND i may have BACK STAGE PASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if i met ke$ha?!?! omgsh i dont think i could contain myself!! i would probably pee on myself hahahahahahahaha omgsh i cant waittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sup guys, long time since i've posted. i've actually had a life lately though so it's all good hahaha. anyways things here are awesome. :) i'm just happy and yeah tehehe
ps VCU final four!! what what?!?! i'm sooo incredibly stoked about that!! i'm actually going home with kat this weekend to watch it! :) gaaahhh soo excited :D
as of right now i'm sitting in the clab. i just finished my missions test (which is pointless almost because we can take it as many times online as we want and so i go through like 3 times and just submit without answering and then save the answers and then take it. i study the answers later to learn, but like it's open note so you're allowed to ya know? it's just pointless) and i did my math homework... and so yeah yet again i dont know what else to do hahaha i feel like i never have nearly as much homework as everyone else. it's awesome on the one hand, but on the other hand it sucks because errybody else has to study and stuff while i have nothing to do hahaha so now i sit here listening to my ke$ha playlist and watch youtube videos :)
chelsea is moving off campus next year. i'm sad on the one hand cause i love her. but on the other hand it's necessary because she's graduating know? i need to used to not having her around. and it's not like i cant still go visit her off campus and stuff all the time. it'll be chill. she's moving in with courtney who i've come to love dearly. it's weird that it's taken such a short amount of time for me to get close to her but i have. it's kinda cool :) and then they are also moving in with meagan wallace. some of you might remember her from new years. she came and stayed with me for the new years party. love her :D so that'll be fun. as for me, i think i'll be moving to the circle next semester. i'm not 100% sure but that's what i'm thinking. and then maybe spring semester i'm thinking i wanna do prayer leader. ultimately i think i wanna be an r.a. my junior or senior year. i feel like that would be so much fun haha
i went to my class advisor monday and he thinks that i should be taking 4 comms classes next semester, vcar which is desktop publishing, and then english 101. hahahaha for reals? i know i'm a comms major, but i thought you took your comms classes when you were older and he knew i was a freshman, but he said that it's better for me to start them all now because you can only take them certain semesters or whatever so i guess we'll just see what i get. i heard they've messed with the scheduling of all the classes and making them weird times and stuff because they are having so many staff cuts. omgsh that reminds me. they cut the wrestling program. i heard about it yesterday and then texted jake but he didn't tell me what happened but i asked nathan today and he said it was because the number of girls here playing sports has to be the same number as guys sports and it's 48% for girls and 52% for guys so they cut it from being a division sport into a club sport. who knows how many will actually come back next year. for them it's kinda like a slap in the face ya know? to go from being a division to being club. nathan said "it's the lowest of the low" that sucks dude. i feel bad for them not gonna lie. i know if it were me and i put that much work into a sport that was cut into a club sport i wouldn't be happy. not gonna lie. anyways, last teusday was carlton's birthday so i'm go to his baseball (yes carlton started playing baseball this year, weird right?) practice and then i think i'll take him out to lunch for his birthday on saturday. later that night we're gonna watch the game. where? i'm not sure yet. any ideas? we were thinking maybe downtown but we're not sure yet. all i know is that it's a mad house down town. my mom went to VCU to get me the new final four t shirt and she waited for like 6 and half hours to get it. dude that's ridiculous. that's love right there :)
i came across this little girl. she's british. before you press play how old do you think she is? like 9 or 10? you're right she's 10. mmkay now you can press play.
her voice!! she sounds so good for being that young!! AMAZING!! i wish i was half that good dude!!!! ahhh kills me!!! :)
that's all i can do. praise God. He's so good to me. i'm finally happy with where i am. i'm finally okay with being away at school. yeah i'm not with my friends back home, but i finally have friends here. a group of friends. that actually do stuff and dont just include me because they feel like they have to. i feel like i have some normality in mylife again. i have a group of people here toactually go out with. i was beginning to think that it would never happen but God has provided. praise to he who rules. :) forget snobby girls who think they're better than you. forget people who prejudge you. i love these kids and that's all that matters. hahahaha if those girls wanna talk about me. fine. they're just making me MORE famous ;)
love ya :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
So I know I didn't post regularly this trip. But I decided that it would just be easier to type all of it into one blog instead of like 8 new posts at once. It wasn't my fault I didn't post either there was no Internet in that church! It's chill though I'll post now :)
So we got there Saturday morning and it was like we had all been up for like 48 hours straight. Crazy ridiculous I know hahaha anyways we get to the church and they let us sleep for like an hour before it's time to start training and stuff so we do that for like five hours and then we find out that we have to start our childrens ministry the next day! Shock to me considering we had only had a little training and didn't even know what all we were going to be painting at that point. So okay change in plans I decided I'll just post the first day post since it's longest hahaha but yeah anyways so the next day we went back out to work with the same kids and they were so excited and brought their papers back and just it was incredible. Then that night we went out to do adult ministry. What it was was we went out to the Lincoln mall in south beach and set up the preach-o-matic (which is basically a big easel) and the black light and just painted and preached and passed out tracks to people and talked to people who had questions and yeah. Amazing. One conversation that really sticks out to me was one with this hispanic guy from Europe who believes in some.. i dont know. like some prophet that's living today and that is like the return of Jesus.. yeah right okay dude. he straight yelled at me and i was like oh no sir.. so i walked off and let phil deal hahahaha whatever.
all in all the trip was amazing and i met some really amazing people. i'm soo thankful for them. i know i sound all sentimental, but yall know how i've been struggling this whole year and it's just like God finally put people in my life that i feel like i can hang out with and that aren't judgemental and are genuinely fun. like tonight we went out and watched nacho libre then played apple to apples.
i'll finish this one tomorrow for sure, i'm soo tired right now :) peace and blessings loves :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
just got in from miami. i'll post tomorrow when i'm not so tired :) here's the song that's stuck in my head right now though :))))
Hello loves!! I miss you!! I'm having an awesome time in Miami though!! Aside from passing out twice last night and ya know the crazy twitching stuff everything been good hahaha stupid weird car sickness patches. Anyways today we went out to this really ghetto neighborhood in Miami and so many kids came out to listen to the story and play a game and do hangman and stuff. It was amazing. They loved it and so did the parents. Simply amazing! God is at work in their hearts already. We drove around lookin for a good place to set up our stuff and when the leader stopped for help the first person he spoke to was a man who had been out of jail for five years and became a christian and was so thrilled we were there. He helped us gather kids and pulled this huge (and by huge I mean I have never seen a speaker that went all the way to the ceiling unless it was in like an auditorium or somethin hahaha but anyways it showed just how involved God is. Even down to the smallest things ya know? Later on we played games with the kids where they ran under the parachute to the otherwise but they started going under and beating the crap out of each other and cussing at the little kids after they pushed them down. It broke my heart but I was like Elizabeth no bigs you can do this. But then two kids actually came ou and started fighting. Punching kicking. The whole nine yards. Then he one kid picks up a rock and beams it at the other kid in the crouch. Iall the other kids kinda went about their business. I was hanging out with some but they weren't phased. They see this kind of violence all the time. Everyday. Between their siblings, street kids, parents, people who aren't their parents. They grow up in such pessimism towards one another. I came back and lost it. How blessed am I? I know my childhood was kinda messed up. But at least physical violence was never part of it. Verbal stuff but these kids get that two. These kids are getting hit with a double whammy. I can't imagine. They need us. But then after we left the kids we went to the spot where all the college kids will be where we're go na be preaching tomorrow night and we prayed ans afterwards all the other people in our group (haha yeah I'm the only one from the "city" aka they all live on farms haha) and they were just sayin how the people looked so disappointed. Like they were spending all this money (when I say all this money of mean like $30 for one appetizer at a "cheap" restaurant) and yet they weren't filling that gap in their heart. I couldn't tell the difference. That shows just how complacent and spoiled I've become. How sad. But then I came back here and pulled out my Binle and found a verse in Psalm 119 (I don't remeber the refernece and I can't look it up cause everyones asleep but I've been going through Psalm 119 lately just cause it's really long haha) and it said something along the lines of my God how I love your word. I cherish your law and seek only what is within. But somehow it tied in there how it was like the only thing he needed as long as he had God and the law. David was hated. Yet.. Even though he could be disowning God he says dude I love you and your word so much that I can't get enough of it! Crazy!! That's when I thought. God I'm so selfish and have taken your word for granted. I'm not gonna lie I have a really hard time keeping up with a quiet time. I've been getting better recently but like how complacent I am with my own bible when there are people all over the world that are killed every day for having even one page out of the bible. I need to step it up. No more excuses. God you are the center of my life. You have been and always will be. Help me to treasure your word as the people that are pursecueted do.
So I'm sure there are tons if typos and I'm sorry I'm typing this on my iPod. But if y'all think about it will you just pray for these kids that are hearing the word and that they might come to know the Lord,but that they would be vessels to their families that they might find the Lord too. Also for the people were gonna meet tomorrow night. That their hearts will be willing to receive. Finally will you pray for me for two things. 1) from distractions from other members on this trip. Boys'll getcha haha and 2) just that me as well as the other members would just be filled with the holy spirit and for just God to shine through and not any of us. Oh yeah third one of the guys on the team already mentioned just from the prayer at the strip how difficult it already was not to lust for other women and not gonna lie I can understand that. There are so many scandalous women around there. So I guess just a do us thing for them too. I appreciate the support guys!! It makes me so happy and if you need prayer tell me!! I love it!! And I LOVE YOU!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
"Jesus Christ gave up his life that we might live. Therefore, whoever wishes to carry the cross for his sake must take up the proper weapons for the contest, especially those mentioned here. First, diligence; Second, distrust of self; Third, confidence in God; Fourth, remembrance of the Passion; Fifth, mindfulness of one's own death; Sixth, remembrance of God's glory; Seventh, the injunctions of Sacred Scripture following the example of Jesus Christ in the desert." - On the Seven Spiritual Weapons by Saint Catharine of Bologna
okay can i just say that i love the quote above? and no i'm not saying i believe in talking to the saints (catholics dont pray to them they just ask them to speak to God on behalf of them) the only reason i decided to look anything about the saints up was because i couldn't find my car sickness patches and chelsea (who is catholic and God bless her) told me she would pray to saint anthony for me. at first i didn't quite understand. i've heard of the saints like saint patrick and saint peter but i never really questioned what saints were or who or anything really. they were just other names to me. but when chelsea told me she would pray for me i got kind a interested in learning about them. i mean why shouldn't i? should i not be knowledgeable about other cultures and religion? i find it interesting that there are so many saints. you talk to a saint based on your need or what you've been through or on behalf of whatever the person your praying for is going through. personally do i believe in the speaking with the saints? no. i dont believe that i know enough about it to just be like okay saints lets talk. but i do really think that some of them had beutiful lives devoted to the Lord. and some of them had some really awesome things to say. for example i found that quote above from the patron saint catharine of bologna. she is the patron saint of the arts and artists which is what drew me to read about her. when i read up on her she devoted much of her life just to establish these Poor Clare monasteries, but it wasn't how she evangelized or anything like that that she drew people into the faith, it was through her humble and holy way of living. she "represents teh saints who served the Lord in obscurity." according to the american catholic organization. now again i'm not saying i believe in the saints, i just really found her quote to be awesome. oh and the reason she's the patron saint of artists and arts is because she painted haha. just sayin that's purty cool :) anyways yeah i dunno if anyone else would find it interesting to look into the saints. i myself want to do some more research into them and see if i can find anymore incite that i might be able to live by. if you want to look at where i got my information i got it from hopefully i'll find someone else to talk about again soon, but expect more about this because i'm thoroughly interested.. :)
is it wrong that i found this song catchy and funny? hahaha
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
i am the man in the mirror. my reflection, i aspire to be. in your relfection what do you see?
a false fault or a masterpiece?
but a masterpiece starts with a single stroke, and an empire starts in an open field. i am the man in the mirror. but a masterpiece starts with a single stroke. if we could all be steadfast suddenly, then we'd never build a life worth living. so let us restore each other. i am the man in the mirror. my relfection, i aspire to be. in your reflection what do you see?
false fault or a masterpiece?
i am the man in the mirror. the mirror. so let us restore each other, not with haste, but gently,
for an empty cup cannot fill another.
a blank canvas will later be priceless and the love that we build will be endless
though we stumble, we will not fall. i am the man in the mirror. my relfection, i aspire to be. in your reflection what do you see?
false fault or a masterpiece we will build masterpieces out of these faults.
i am the man in the mirror. so when i stare back into my own eyes i try to peer past, and try to understand.
my imperfections compose my composure and i can live with them and you will live by me.
so let us restore each other, not with haste but gently,
1. i created and posted my first youtube video today :D hahaha pretty rough, but i was proud anyways. so yeah. here's the embedding.
hit it :)
2. i found out today that i got the job at rockfish this summer! i'm totally stoked! i had a strong feeling that i was supposed to do it this summer and well i prayed and was like God if i'm supposed to do this just lemme get the job and that way i'll know i'm supposed to be there and so yeah i called Braxton (hiring manager) today to follow up on my application and he was like wow you didn't get my email? yeah we hired you like last week. hahahaha so yeah :) if everything goes right i'll work there this summer, be off all may and then go off and live there for the summer. i'm taking the three days for warped tour off and then the week of the fourth of july to go to the beach with my family so that'll be chill. i think colin may go with us. but if i do end up living there this summer errybody should come and visit me. it's like a four hour drive, but they have a hotel there and you can stay there and yeah :) it would be fun!
i need to accept that when a friend isn't acting like a friend. it's not that they dont care. it's just that you dont know them like you want to anymore.
Just curious. Gah I don't know what my deal is. And in advance I apologize for any weird words or sayings cause I'm typing this on my iPod. But yeah I dunno. It's like this. Usually Colin comes back here for a break and i'm all happy ans whatever cause that's one of my bet friends ans best friends make me happy, and then he goes home and I'm sad for like twenty minutes hut I ultimately put him in the back of my head. But it's different this time. Colin came for two weeks at Christmas ans then he left to go back to Texas. His home. And this time I can't get him off my brain. I'm sure he doesn't have the same problem. I just don't understand why it's so much more in my brain this time know? We both have our own lives and we ourselves talk at least once a week. So it's not like I'm post pardom anxty from not talking to him cause I do. You're proba thinking ah Elizabeth you heart him and I do but I don't know if you can truely love someone when you see them like twice a year. Especially after everything with Alex ans whatever. It wasn't like he couldn't see me and vice versa and things turned out badly. Why the heck would I do that to myself again? I wouldn't. I can't do that again and Colin is way to busy and has so many better things to do than worry about a relationship in friggin Virginia. So yeah that can't be it just to clear up. I just.. I dunno. There are so many times when I just wanna hug him and talk about stupid things and drive around down town and walk around Carey street because it's the "ghetto" and go to the beach. I just miss that boy. I really do. And now I'm sitting in my math class waitin for it to start and I'm tearing up. Gosh I'm so gay hahaha I love y'all thanks for letting me put that out there.
Monday, February 28, 2011
i want to be ferly. just sayin.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
romeo. where are you? i'm tired of being alone here.
life is weird. you go from being in a drear mood to being happy and then to being inquizative to rockin out and you can do all that in a matter of one day! it kills me. i sometimes think that God put A.D.D. into the world for His own humor :)
anyways, i think i've picked a major. i didn't mention it yet because i really wanted to pray on it and i just feel like God might be calling me to do advertising with a minor in business so that's purty exciting :) from what i understand i'll be able to do the marketing aspect as well as the whole creative thing which is what i'm super crazy stoked about. it's like God created a major just for me :) two of my favorite things, marketing and art :) how funn!!
miami :) so i'm going to miami for spring break!!!! only 16 days!!! ahhhh! i'm soooo incredibly excited!! let me just say!! i can not even wait!! i'm going with open air missions!! i'll post more about what we're doing later, i'm just too lazy and tired to right now :/ lo siento! but thank you Lord for once again reaffirming how much you love me and have a plan for me. not gonna lie i forget that sometimes. God definately does have something special in store though so that's always good to know :) so if you think about it please pray for our transportation down there because as of right now we dont have one. it'll come through for sure, but it's just the anticipation is killing me! i wanna be there now!!! hahaha and also please pray for the people down there, that God would start to soften their hearts and prepare them for our ministry. that would be very appreciated! :)
chelsea is moving out thursday or friday :( long story that doesn't need to be said in detail. like on the one hand it's kinda good cause like we both need to get health because i'm definately not healthy in the least. but it's still sad cause she's my best friend here ya know? i dont know. our relationship isn't completely healthy and i understand that, but hopefully this move will do nothing but strengthen us. that's what i pray at least. because i dont have anyone else here i trust. no one. i mean yeah allison the r.a. but that's it. i ball everything up here because i dont trust anyone and yeah it's hard, but it's how i was raised, and how i've always had to do things. i dont want to be a bother. i'm just really praying that God works on that with me. because right now i'm working on getting help with some stuff and not gonna lie, i went to the student care office and had to fill out paper work where they just straight ask you questions and i sat in there for two hours and cried. it's so hard to honestly answer questions about all the things you struggle with. self image, respect, forgiveness, and so many other things. it just reminded me of how broken i am. i have to remember that regardless God loves me. He looks at me and sees nothing but beauty. so that's what i'm gonna aspire to find in myself.
i love you guys and i'll post more later!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
...i plead to change my life. just before i dream. and wake to realize the change is inside of me...
i'm getting this tattooed on me.. just not in the same spot ;D
we've planted a seed, an ever growing wonder to a beautiful tree. grow. each branch outstretched and different from the last. where the old have broken, some easier than the last. the right ones have grown in to fill in the gaps. and all are equal in love and trust. and all are apart of something so much bigger than this. through the trials our tongues are tired, to trying times, so many unsaid lines. our lives were over at so many moments. so many moments. so many. and now they're all just beginning. and now they're all just beginning. i have never been so consumed and i have never loved it more. to be devoted to letting all see what it is to live in the love of others. to live in the love of my brothers. and spilling back all that anyone has ever spilled for me. to show that to those who have never seen. four years ago we planted a seed. found that foundation that we need. strived for the perfect balance to show love and show compassion. and our vision for this world will not die when we are dead. my future started with the first note i ever played. the first note that was ever sang. when we started living with purpose and writing with meaning. this is what we were made for. every day i live this future.
this song makes me so incredibly happy. i dunno. like as much as i like guys and i do. i want God to be who i see in that role at this point in my life. that's the kind of romance that i want.
and yes i know that the spanish subtitles are there (ps. they dont always match up) haha but it was the coolest looking one and i dunno i like it
Monday, February 14, 2011
I love this tattoo. It's kinda like the feather one I posted not too long ago. I think maybe I would want something like this if I could but it's beaitiful to me:)
well i just got back about an hour ago from retreat this weekend which was AMAZING!! lemme just say! i loved it!! tehehe me and steph and kat drove down to willow run and then we had to eat dinner with random people we didn't know and i got stuck with the two strangest boys i have met in the longest while.... yeah haha :) still they were nice and we had a good time. saturday we had session and then lunch and then free time for about 5 HOURS!! i had no idea what we would even do that whole time!! me and kat spent a good majority of it playing knock out with all the boys in the gym.. yeah and we dominated.. just sayin ;) hahaha but seriously they were suprised we made the top four and stuff haha it was awesommmme! then we had another session which was crazy awesome. for me i really got out of the lesson was forgiveness and how crucial it is to our spiritual walk. you can't grow spiritually unless you truely forgive and loves those that hurt you. that kinda relates to my room mate situation right now. i'm back in the dorm by myself right now.. and that's how i like it. i dont really wanna deal with anyone's drama or listen to chelsea complain. i'm just not in the mood to be brought down ya know? oi. hopefully this drama stuff gets better cause if it doesn't (and i know i told chelsea i wouldn't) but i will leave and i will move to texas. period. i wont deal with crap anymore. anyways back to retreat though. i need to forgive them. so i'm working on that. piece by piece. it's hard when you come back and chelsea's trashed the room and put all her crap on your desk and your text book goes mixing and... ugh. freakin piss me off sometimes. but retreat. saturday ended with a bonfire. dance party. and then me and christy riding out to town to get milkshakes. sunday we woke up got breakfast. went to session. then left. i got home today and hung with my family for like an hour and a half. we went to mexico restaurant for dinner. it was really funn! now i'm back in the dorm. bleh.
so something that's been eating away at me. since colin left this past christmas and like it's always kinda sad when he leaves, but this time i dunno. i legit like hard core cried. i miss that boy. but usually that passes without a thought. well like i think about it, but i put it to the back of my head. but i dunno i haven't been able to this time. i dunno. it's weird. and like i dunno, i usuallly like seeing him, but it's never been something that i'm like omgsh i wanna go see colin like right now and that's how i feel right now. i just wannt be with him. i dont even know if he wants me to be around, he acted excited and everything. but he could have just been being nice. i dunno. it's like that's my best friend ya know? oi. i just gahh.
in time God will tell me if moving to Texas is the right move for me. for now i'll just keep praying on it.
i really miss downtown richmond. like a crazy lot. maybe it's cause lynchburg is nothing like richmond :/. but yeah i miss shockoe bottom and cary street and monroe park and belle isle (thanks kat ;)). richmond oh richmond.
dear stephanie marie dawkins, thank you for being such an amazing friend to me :) when i'm sad and crying. when i'm angry and yelling. when i went through that phase where i used to get a "tude" with my mom. you're always there girl and i love you mucho! dunno what i would do without you hun :)
I don't think I'm meant to get better sometimes. It's like I arrange to get help for my eating stuff because I wanna get over it and of course room drama gets in the way of that yet again. It's like the first night I decided I was gonna get a counselor for it I got bombarded with all this room stuff and it's like now that I have an appointment with the r.a. It gets ruined by more room drama. I want out. My nerves are fried. I need to run to the bathroom before class. More later.
i miss colin lee harris like crazy whoa. i really wanna go visit that boy even though he was just here at christmas. oi.
today was another day of disappointment. i've was confined to bed sunday night and this afternoon. i woke with a fever and just had some awful other things going on. yuck. i feel 10 times better now though :D but yeah. things are changing. today was an alright day. i had a little mini melt down with chels over the room stuff just because it's like i'm the middle man and i hate it. i cried she sat with me. but i'm fairly certain it had to do with my pms so it's all good in the hood. i was dying to talk to steph and i spoke with her earlier, the only things is that i was in the middle of my little cry sesh when she called (hahaha gosh i'm gay :)) but it was nice to hear her voice. golly i miss everyone. and can i just say heather jean tobey that when i read your comment it litterally just made my heart all tingly and brough tears to my eyes. today was just one of those days ya know? when you're about to start and you just feel bleh and you actually are sick. the combination of the two makes everything difficult, but i dunno i read that and found a lot of strength in it. not to sound all cliche and dumb but haha it's what i do :). but yeah, today i heard dwayne carson mention reading one chapter of proverbs every night and how it will change your life. so i decided to do just that. i started tonight. i'm excited. and i also have another bible project in mind, i really wanna go through the bible and find the verses that apply to what make us 1. beautiful and wonderful to God 2. the values and virtues that make us beautiful people and well i dunno about a 3rd point yet. maybe that doesn't even make sense to anyone else or maybe it sounds dumb.. but i dont care :) i wanna do it and i already started to HAHA and BOOHOO on you :D this weekend is the joint retreat!! woot woot!! i'm not sure what kim's doing, oi. and kathryn is coming and steph is coming and i'm sooo excited to see them! i just need some time out of this hell room. gosh for reals everyone who is graduating and going to college next year i pray you dont have two dramatic roomates who do dumb things and cause girls on your hall not to like you and then argue with each other and lie and be dumb. because then you're stuck in the middle and you have to "choose sides" and reallly it's just frustrating beyond all belief. so that's where i'm at and i hope you guys wont have to face that. that would be lovely. well i still have a lot left to do before i go to bed, and i'm stinkin tired. but i was listening to she (for liz) by parachute and have decided that i wanna be this liz :)
she has no problems with secrets. she knows how to keep them. she never felt the need to let them show. and i've had no trouble with speaking or trusting my instincts. but maybe this is one that i should know. but as i'm waiting in the devil on my shoulder stares, laughing at the one thing i can't get. it's what i need.
she, she is the words that i can't find. how can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive? and i couldn't speak. i couldn't breath to save my life. all of my chances swim like sinking ships. this time it's it. i'll drown or make her mine.
my vocal cords have been fighting. my mouth likes to spite me. it never says the words that come to mind. and i brought a stick to a gun fight. and i'm stuck with my tongue tied. i run, but i can't hide what's always there.
she, she is the words that i can't find. how can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive? and i couldn't speak. i couldn't breath to save my life. all of my chances swim like sinking ships. this time it's it. i'll drown or make her mine.
i can see these things i do and never seem to follow through.
she, she is the words that i can't find. how can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive?
she, she is the words that i can't find. how can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive? and i couldn't speak. i couldn't breath to save my life. all of my chances swim like sinking ships. this time it's it. i'll drown or make her mine.
she, she is the words that i can't find. how can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive? and i couldn't speak. i couldn't breath to save my life. all of my chances swim like sinking ships. this time it's it. i'll drown or make her mine.
i dunno how i feel right now. i definately dont love it. but im gonna keep the verse in my head. even when my school is pushing dating and i dont feel pretty enough i know that i am. that's what i need to remember.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
kim, thank you for this verse :) i'm gonna put it with my "people who mind dont matter and people who matter don't mind" and try to just go with the two :) i heart you like crazy whoa my dear :D
so i dunno how i feel right now. i wanna be happy, but i still feel like crap. i mean i'm going on this awesome retreat with at least kathryn. even if no one else goes. i skyped bearokuda last night and i hadn't talked to him in forever so that was tight. and then i skyped with carleigh so that was super chill too. she's happy and things are good. i have friends here now. i go out with people like every night. so what's the issue? like why do i still have to be bummed out? valentine's day is coming.. liberty, i will be skipping all my classes just so i dont have to see any of your couples. i will.
but kesha you're making my heart go on every day :) shankss
Saturday, January 29, 2011
i keep telling myself, tonight is going to be fun. it is. i'm gonna have a good time. but it's like no matter what there's always drama. gosh i hate drama. it makes my stomach hurt. as soon as chels gets back tomorrow the whole room is going to explode and everyone is going to be upset. i love my roomates. i do, but my nerves are shot. i feel like i'm carrying around a bag full of rocks and no one else can really help me out. it sucks. i'll just have fun while i can and wait for the pressure to build until finally it'll pop.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
today today caloo calayy :) i'm just happy. he makes me smile. my roomates make me smile. everything is just good. the room is dirty yeah, but i love chelsea still. we had a lovely mexican food dinner at pueblo viejo tonight. me chels lizzie and megs. it was awesome. and then they declined both of lizzie's cards so i had to pay for the other half of her meal. whoooopsies. hahaha. my friends make me smile. last night i hung out with jake and kat. hahahaha gosh story of my life. going out to eat. we went to hibachi. it was just fun hanging out the three of us. i love when we do that. i miss my girls. step. kim. elsb. jewels. eric. but im hanging out a lot more than i was last semester. i'm trying to stay busy which is really helpful. i think i've hung out with kelsey and meagan more than anyone. oh and lizzie too. i'm waiting for her to hate me again so we'll see.
i think i found the church i wanna be a part of. i really like the church lizzie took me to sunday morning. it's called first community. it's super modern. its' also where something called the new muse is. i've never been and i have no clue what that is, but sounds cool. the worship is good and the message is awesome. so i wanna go back and possibly get involved at some point. and then i went to brentwood sunday night with meagan and that was awesome too. i really really loved that. so i think i'll just start going to both :) tehehehehe
this might be a sin, but i've probably listened to i just had sex 5 times today. i can sing it word for word.
closing time. time for you to go out, go out into the world. closing time. turn the lights up over every boy and every girl. closing time. one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer. closing time. you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
i know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. take me home...
closing time. time for you to go back to the places you will be from. closing time. this room won't be open 'til your brothers or you sisters come. so gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits. I hope you have found a friend. closing time. every new beginning comes from some other beginning'send.
yeah, I know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. take me home...
closing time. time for you to go back to the places you will be from...
i know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. i know who I want to take me home. take me home...
closing time. every new beginning comes from some other beginning'send...
Friday, January 21, 2011
i've been beaten down. i've been kicked around. but she takes it all for me. and i lost my faith in my darkest days she makes me want to believe.
they call her love love love love love. they call her love love love love love. she is love, and she is all i need.
well i had my ways, they were all in vain, but she waited patiently. it was all the same, all my pride and shame, and she put me on my feet.
they call her love love love love love they call her love love love love love they call her love love love love love she is love, and she is all i need.
and when that world slows down, dear and when those stars burn out here, oh she'll be there, yes she'll be there.
they call her love love love love love they call her love love love love love they call her love love love love love.
she is love, and she is all i need she is love, and she is all i need she is love, and she is all i need.
i heart you. you are evil. you like sweat pants. you also like socks and chocolate. we enjoy "watching" movies and gansgter dancing. we have baby bears that love one another so very much. and it's also very fun to sneakily insult one another behind or in front of other people with hand gestures. oreos are yummy. we go bird watching frequently and thoroughly enjoy the rot.
it's hard to leave your family after a month, but at the same time it's easy. i was ready to leave the house because i wanna be on my own and not have to like always tell someone where i'm going, but when i saw my mom crying as she hugged me goodbye i almost let loose and cried too. i love my mom even though she annoys me i love her so much and she's one of my best friends. my dad too. i'm sad he didn't get to come with us. ugh i need to stop talking about this cause it's making me bummed out :/
i am happy to be back though! i'm all settled in my little nook of the room and whatever so that's a good thing :)
anyways i still have to go and get my text books. lizzie said the line when she went was an hour and a half long. i think i'll just wait until tomorrow to get em. ugh boots stupid books.
i need to sign up for old testament cause i'm only signed up for like 13 creds right now. drawing 1 math gned 102 icst 201
so yeah. basically i'm taking nothing. haha
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
You make me happy, whether you know it or not We should be happy, that's what I said from the start I am so happy, knowing you are the one That I want for the rest of my days For the rest of my days You're all of my days.
You're lookin' so cool, you're lookin' so fly I can't deny that when I'm staring You down, right dead in the eye I wanna try to be the person you want The person you need It's hard to conceive That somebody like you could be with Someone like me
I'm happy knowing that you are mine The grass is greener on the other si-ide The more I think, the more I wish That we could lay here for hours, and just-a reminisce Uhh ooo ooo
You're lookin' so fresh It's catching my eye Why, oh why, did I not see this before, The girl I adore was right in front of me? And now I'll take a step back and look in your eye And ask why it took so long to see We're meant to be
I'm happy knowing that you are mine The grass is greener on the other si-ide The more I think, the more I wish That we could lay here for hours and just-a reminisce
On the good, the bad, the ugly The smiles ,the laughs, the funny, Or all the things we put each other through It's for you, for you, for you.
You make me happy, whether you know it or not We should be happy, that's what I said from the start I am so happy, knowing you are the one That I want for the rest of my days For the rest of my days
I'm happy knowing that you are mine The grass is greener on the other si-ide The more I think, the more I wish That we could lay here for hours and just-a reminisce.
stephanie honey. words can not describe how much you mean to me girlie. you've helped me out so much in the short time we've known each other. seriously? i dont think i could have gotten as much support from anyone else for the whole alex thing and for so many other things too. i love our sleep overs and hang outs! and how i can always smell your hair even when no one else can! :) teasing your hair up into a giant snooki bump and wearing whore dresses just to watch a tv show :) i love when you come and pick me up and we wear our pajamas to walmart with heather and kelly!! hahaha no one used to sit in my lazy boy chair because they knew it was property of stephanie dawkin's sleeping place! :) dumb little brother had to go and break it! and speaking of carlton i love that that one time when i left to go stay the night at christy's you and carlton sat in my house without me and played super smash brothers! hahaha i miss sushi go round but i still love to eat sushi with you! :) hahaha and omgsh when we did ipod karaokee to the spice girls song and i was totally out of breath by the end! hahahahaha that was crazy funn!! i'm soo proud of you girl! i know i tell you all the time, but its soo true. you have turned out sooo wonderfully, not that you were ever like a bad kid or anything, i just remember when you came to my house for that party with addie and you didn't know anyone and then we sat up really late together a couple of nights later. i think back to that stephanie and just see how much you've grown and developed into such an awesome and beautiful woman of God. i love you so much girl. you're like my sister and i'm always here for you, even when you dont wanna talk to me. i'm here ;)
kathryn, my dear lynchburgian :) you make my heart happy!! with our constant boob poking and failed hair dying attempts (it only friggin worked on your hair when you went to beach week your sophomore year!!) i love our late night waffle house runs and our poor movie choices! man i dont wanna cry tonight so lets watch my sister's keeper that'll be good!! or when carlton makes crazy faces at the old men that work in the school cafeteria because they have a nasty amount of back hair! EWW!! carlton what's wrong?! look at that man!!!! hahahahahahaha i miss when we used to jump on the trampoline even in the bitter cold. and when we had interventions with destry about how he and julie would never be together.
how wrong were we huh? hahahaha it's awesome having you in lynchburg though for reals! i'm soo glad you're there and i love you so so so so so so so s o S O much!!!
kim might i say i love you and all our jokes? tewtles and the turtle song? :) epic omgsh the crank that dora the explorer!! holy moly that was sophomore year!! do you remember we used to sit with laura fitrahh (not how it's spelled but whatever) and she asked you to like spend a weekend with her.. just the two of you.. and her family.. and her mom clothes? :) tehehehehe EARTHQUAKE!! we never even told him about that which might have been for the better cause i'm pretty sure a comment like that would have driven the poor boy to anorexia. we always used to jump on my trampoline and take lots of pictures and then go to 7-11 so i could get yelled at by that crochety old dude for checking the slurpee machine. ugh that dude was a total jerk!! oh hey how about when we get on the chatroulette and tell people they need to shave or talk to army guys? hmmm interesting. SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS!! YOU SHOW ME YOURS FIRST!! hmmm op down to 10% bitch. she should have brought us more refills and maybe she would have gotten a better tip :) or making a video of us talking to each other like we were brittish? oh oh and our bucket list! we're gonna dominate that this summer girl! i'm tellin you!!! crazy makeup. hair dye that doesn't work half the time. boys. photo sessions. soo many good times my dear. i love you for forever!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The hope is fading from my lips When I kiss you with goodbye Now when you let go of our last embrace Please don't look me in the eye Secret's out, that I just might care about you You broke me, you're leaving There's nothing I can do
I'll find a way to close the door I want to say so much more but I found you once, you're lost again Two thousand miles took what could have been
I don't want to Won't let myself I have to realize This might be This could be This is goodbye This is goodbye
The smile fate was wearing, slowly die Minutes turn to months Silence of the phone just mocks my cry When I see that you've moved on Secret's out that I did care about you You broke me, you left me There was nothing I could do
I'll find a way to close the door I want to say so much more but I found you once, you're lost again Two thousand miles took what could have been
I don't want to Won't let myself I have to realize This might be This could be This is goodbye
Do I ever cross your mind? Cause you're on mine all the time I can believe how unfair life is sometimes
Find a way to close the door And be okay with nothing more but Found you once, you're lost again Two thousand miles took what could have been
I don't want to Won't let myself I have to realize This might be This could be This is goodbye This is goodbye
The hope is fading from my lips
this was stuck in my head all day :)
bahhh. today was a nice day. i talked to andrew all day. what else is new? :) he's tight though so yeah :)
1822. cookout. skype.
i'm happy actually and it feels awesome :)
anyways i'm ready to go back to school. praise the lord i'm going back this sunday! i can't wait to get out of this house. dont get me wrong but since everyone else left i'm like going cabin crazy up in here hahaha i love my family but they are driving me up a wall. it's like i can't do anything without either my mom or brother jumping down my throat. yikes. anyways love yall!! nighty night ;)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
today was a fun day :) had a vocal lesson and then ran some errands. then erry body came over for me to do there hair and makeup for the jersey shore party. may i just say that steph julie daniel kat and i looked SO legit and then kim and eric dresses up too and holy moly that was real funny. eric let me put makeup on him. that was probably the high light of my night. umm then we went to the jersey shore party at kats and yeah hung out there.
may i say that i'm excited about this season of jersey shore? cause i totally am :)
and it's not that i'm dissapointed just a little left out.
love you all!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
shake it up. i never loved nobody fully. always one foot on the ground, and by protecting my heart truly i got lost in the sounds. i hear in my mind all these voices. i hear in my mind all these words. i hear in my mind all this music and it breaks my heart and it breaks my heart and it breaks my heart it breaks my heart.
suppose i never ever met you. suppose we never suppose we never fell in love. suppose i never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft. suppose i never ever saw you. suppose we never ever called. suppose i kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall. just to break my fall. just to break my fall. break my fall. break my fall.
all my friends say that of course it's gonna get better. gonna get better. better better better better better better better.
i never loved nobody fully. always one foot on the ground, and by protecting my heart truly i got lost in the sounds. i hear in my mind all these voices. i hear in my mind all these words. i hear in my mind all this music.
i hear in my mind all these voices. i hear in my mind all these words. i hear in my mind all this music
anyways so yeah new years was awesome! my friend meagan came and spent the weekend at my house and she left this morning before church, but ummm yeah :) new years i had a party at my house and just hung out with people and then stayed up until 930am saturday morning due to our movie watching and chat rouletting and talking and craziness.
and may i just say that we went to waffle house that morning at like 8 or 830 and the new shift had started and those people are nazis!! the graveyard shift at waffle house is far more superior to the morning staff. they can kick a can!! ughh!! they wouldn't let the 6 of us sit in a booth. instead we had to sit 4 and 2. it was WAY gay!
mmm so lemme tell you about my chat roulette experience. it was my first time ever getting on cause all i heard was that you see all these guy's dongs and i was like eh eh i'm not all about that hahaha :)anyways. we had two laptops set up. me meagan elsbeth and sometimes ricardo were all on one and then kim carlton and eric were on my laptop on chat roulette. we were trying to get paired up with each other. we only saw three penis(es)[spell check?] total achievement :)) and then we got paired up with the hottest italian guy i've ever seen in my whole life. oh my goodness. i want him hahahahaha he sat and talked to us for like twenty five minutes and we just sat and talked about like nothing. he had been out drinking for new years and he only spoke a little english and when he spoke italian i was like mmmm me gusta :))) hahahahahahahahaha but we didn't get his friggin name to like add him on facebook or like email him or anything :( tooooottalll bummer because chat roulette had like a breakdown and we lost our connection to him waaaahhhh! oh fate you are so cruel hahaha anyways ya
so after that we watched another gay movie from fearnet and then went to waffle house and came home and slept till like 430. i woke up still tired and went to bed early that night. it was bliss