it's hard to leave your family after a month, but at the same time it's easy. i was ready to leave the house because i wanna be on my own and not have to like always tell someone where i'm going, but when i saw my mom crying as she hugged me goodbye i almost let loose and cried too. i love my mom even though she annoys me i love her so much and she's one of my best friends. my dad too. i'm sad he didn't get to come with us. ugh i need to stop talking about this cause it's making me bummed out :/
i am happy to be back though! i'm all settled in my little nook of the room and whatever so that's a good thing :)
anyways i still have to go and get my text books. lizzie said the line when she went was an hour and a half long. i think i'll just wait until tomorrow to get em. ugh boots stupid books.
i need to sign up for old testament cause i'm only signed up for like 13 creds right now.
drawing 1
gned 102
icst 201
so yeah. basically i'm taking nothing. haha

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