anyways, today was perty good, except i realized that my piece for the art auction is due on sunday! wow that was quick! i'm gonna have a lot to do this week. wowzo. so far i just have kim's makeup pictures redone, now i have to grid them, grid the paper, draw the pictures, and then paint. ughh hopefully it will look alright. i've become very critical of like everything i make.

on top of this little project i would just like to say that my art teacher thinks it's possible for me to create a whole relief tile in two days. yeah i'm just tellin you that's not gonna happen. i have the blue print ready for it, but i just got the clay at the end of today's class so like idk what she's thinkin, but this is supposed to be a quiz grade so like i don't know what's gonna happen with that.
ummm ps can i just say that i have done something to my right hand/wrist. i have no clue what, but it's slightly discolored, swollen, and hurts like hell. ughh.
i've been reading every young woman's battle and doing the work book. i'm legit loving it. i'm not gonna lie, i hadn't really been doing my whole like Christian thing for a while (for a good portion of my senior year to be honest) but like i got back into it and i just feel really great. i'm excited and i really really like this book.
ughh so i'm a little nervous about leaving next year. i mean it'll be comforting knowing that i'm not gonna be the only one that's leaving, like steph, kim, kat, jules, errybody is leaving. i'm gonna miss my parents so much dude! like i know i get annoyed and mad at them, but omgsh i know i'm gonna have a hard time with that. and can i just say that going into a relationship with alex i told myself i wasn't going to get too close because i didn't want to have to have the saddness of being away from him too, but that's unavoidable now. i don't know what i'm gonna do without seeing him like every other day. it's gonna be so weird. ughh. making yourself vulnerable is such a scary thing. i mean i really like alex. honestly i do, and like previous relationships haven't gone as well as ours, which is why i thought it would be easier to like not grow so attached. this probably makes no sense at all so i'm gonna stop. bahhhh. it'll be our 8 month of dating in 37 minutes. craziness.
i have the awards ceremony tomorrow night. i know i'm definately getting the marketing student of the year award (i don't really care about that hahahahhahaa i mean i do but it's not a scholarship) and i'm not getting my hopes up, but i'm really hoping that all that hard work at the beginning of the year is going to pay off and get me a scholarship, i applied to 59 for goodness sakes, so i really sure hope so. hahahahahaha. i'll keep you updated on that dude.
finally, i'm stoked for the weekend. friday i have kristina's party that me and kat are gonna stop by and then we're going to david's birthday party! saturday morning my family and i are doing the whole like selling thing at some little market thing downtown that apparently all the little mexis love and buy erreeything. then saturday night i have mr. dsf and i'm stoked for that. i also have a graduation party, but i can't remember whose. hahahahahaha. sunday i have carleigh and gillie/hope/lacen's grad party. those are back to back so that'll be fun too :) and then monday i get to sleep in!! woot woooot!!
i love you braaahhh!! :))
oh elizabeth, i don't know how else to word it... i just love you!!! and just remember, 2 days! no matter how much they may or may not suck, it'll all be done at 3:45 on friday! that's how i like to view things :) it brings me encouragement, anyways. haha. LOVE love LOVE love LOVE love YOU! you know, in case you forgot :)
excuse me, if you would like someone to read Every Young Woman's Battle with you, or just discuss it, I would love to! Just sayin'
hope you get some scholarships!
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