everyday when i get home i watch the maury show. it comes on at 4pm on channel 11 on weekdays. yes. that is my relaxation time. watching people yelling about who they baby daddy be and what not. i'm not ashamed. anyways, today i happened to be looking up maury povich and what not and did you know that someone wrote a song about him?!
it's called maury povich and it's by this chick syleena johnson. i was SUPER excited to find it! hahahhaa i'm such a loser! anways go on youtube and look it up. i would post the link but i'm on my school laptop so i can't go on youtube.
anyways, you know what else i found when i was looking up maury povich. part of his show is on failblog. you would think that it would be for like a woman claiming one person to be a father and then it turns out that he's not, but really it's TOTALLY not!
if you go on youtube and type in Maury: Honeymoon Sex Fail you can see it. i think the real fail of it is in the last like quarter of it just in case you aren't into redneck drama like i am :))
so yeah. haha i feel so stupid that i like this show. i'm sure no one else cares about it at all. but whatever. i'll still come home everyday and kick back with my feet up, edemame in on hand, crossword puzzle in the other, and be tuned onto channel 11 for my main man maury.
:)) you know you love it

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