ahhh tonight was kinda sad. okay can i just say that i was totally fine going into youth group tonight. i got teary eyed when missy came up to me while we were all standing up there, but i didn't cry. when stephanie horovath came up to me i teared up but didn't cry. it was only when cheta emba came up to me and told me that i had been her role model for forever that i started crying like i wanted my mama. it was the nicest thing to be told that. i mean like i didn't honestly even think that she liked me. our moms work together, but like on the second new orleans we were friends, that was the trip that i met alex, and at that time she liked him and whatever and then like we ... flung or whatever, and like she stopped talking to me period, but i didn't know or whatever and like i don't know. i just wish now that i would have reached out to her more over the years since then. i honestly had no idea that i could be influential to anyone like that. cause honestly i just don't feel like i'm influential like that ya know? i actually struggled for a while because i didn't think i would be remembered/ know for anything, and i guess it reassured me that i am known... or whatever. i'm weird. oh well. but yeah i don't know. that really just struck me and i'm so glad that she told me that. :) omgsh i had no idea how tall she was until tonight!! wowwww! :)) anywayyys

so tonight was also woman's night. we did lottsa fun stuff.
first, facials. raspberries, plain yogurt, and cucumbers. all mixed together and placed on our beautiful faces :) it smelled soo good, but apparently it didn't taste too good, i didn't try to find out though.
second, junk food. diet and regular coke. cookie dough. poof corn. doritos. raspberries. cucumber water. cucumber. snickers. mounds. reeses pieces. need i say more.
third, saran wrap and pads. just check facebook. you'll know who and what. the group of people in my car got 3 cars total and put 2 pads on another car.. so that was us. :) anyways
it's now 345am and we're talking about going to waffle house for breakfast.. what else is new? haha i love you!!
you know what i realized tonight, i'm glad on the one aspect that i'm leaving, because i won't 1) be expected to plan things all that often anymore until i come home on break with everyone and 2) i won't have to get crapped on whenever people are unhappy or stressed about what we're doing that i could or could not have planned. that'll be nice. :)
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