i find it so strange and bizarre that i've already found out my room mates for next year. they are both very nice. i feel ... so ahead of the game i guess. some people still aren't even sure about where they want to go and yet i have a dorm and people to share it with. i have my definite major and i even know what i want to do after i get my bachelors. it's just so weird to me! ughh! do i really even want to graduate and leave these people that i love? i mean of course i want to go out into the world and meet others and stuff, but sometimes i wish i was in elementary school again. without a care in the world. playing in the grass and learning my abc's. i feel like things were just so simple then. things got crazier with age and i dont really know how much i like it. obviously there are some perks to being older but still i wonder just how i'm going to cope leaving my family, my best friends, my church, my boyfriend, everything i've known. i mean i can always come home. i won't be that far away, but still. how weird is it going to be to have to wake up in a completely different place every single day. i just... i don't know... i don't know how i feel about leaving everything. leaving everyone. i'll have kathryn which will be helpful, but i mean she's going to have her own life, and what if i don't. what if i can't make friends or people don't like my personality or the way i look? what if i get there and my room mates don't even like me?! ugh i really need to think on this because i'm really freakin stressed.