Thursday, April 28, 2011
i love my friends and i wanna hang out, but the work has piled up. i went this whole semester with like no work and now.. ugh. stress to the max. and on top of that i'm ready to kick my roomates. they are loud all the time, like when i'm trying to sleep or study or whatever. and the room is friggin messy as i dont know what! it's ridiculous!! im sad to leave my friends here, but man oh man am i ready to get the heck outta that room!! i got my prayer leader form in yesterday, so hopefully i'll get that, and if not then it wasn't meant to be and maybe i'll try again next semester. i'm not worried about it. i love you!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Satan will not win
Monday, April 11, 2011
dahh :)
yo dudee, it's been like eight and a half years and i should really be doing homework right now but whatevskis ;) so yuhh umm this weekend was tight. friday night i went to the movie night thing with luke and watched tron (which SUCKED) and unstoppable which we sat and made fun of the whole time :) it maade me happy. and then saturday i woke and kat texted me and wanted to get lunch and i was down cause i was like starving so we went to pueblo and i had arroz con pollo, mi favorito :) then we had to drive and get lost to pick up one of her friends... it was an experience hahaha kat was pissed. i think she might have melted down if it had taken any longer. it should have taken 30 minutes to get to the place he was at, but the gps took us all over the place and then he didn't really know where he was and it was craziness and took like an hour to get there. hahaha and then there was a tornado warning and kat freaked :) i wish i would have recorded it. i would set it as my ringtone ;) she was like "great what next?! we're gonna get struck by lightning and then drive off a cliff and be mauled by bears?!" hahahaha it was friggin awesome!! umm so we pick up her friend tucker and then we went to macadoos for a delightful cinnamon sensation. God's gift to the Earth. just sayin :) ummm she dropped me back at my dorm and then me and hannah went to sonic flood at the awakening which was alright i suppose. we met up with jeff and dylan and michelle at the tilly and played Life and egyptian rat screw. twas a good time. so we were there till like 2. i went back and watched...
so yeah that took some time :)
anyways yuhh, sunday i went to church with daniel and then we went out to lunch with some of his friends. i got to know some of the people which was tight and i'm actually going on a sleep over with those people this friday those that'll be tight. the girls that i met invited me to with them to get my ears pierced. so i was gonna get half way between like the top and the bottom pierced and we were gonna do it at walmart cause it's cheap.. but the walmarts in lynchburg stopped piercing ears and it's like $87 to get your ears pierced at claires. so not worth it. so we didn't get anything pierced. then i went to dinner and the the clab with hannah and uriah and jeremy. we got bored and went to the dollar theater later though and saw unknown with one of uriah's friends and yuhh. it was chill.
can i just say i hate being a girl some times. boys are sooo lucky they dont have to go through pms. not a period. just pms. like foreals i would be fine with having a period. like yeah it's annoying, but i could deal with it, but friggin pms. ughhh it pisses me off. and i'm one of the lucky ones (at least for now) since i dont get cramps. i just feel like dump all the time. like i'm crazy. depressed and angry at the same time hahahahahaha and sleepy. like i'm always tired but when i'm pmsing it's 9872384237 times worse. so since this months pms has been so bad my mom thinks i need to go to the doctor and get stuff altered which i kinda do. i just want to see my mom and my dog and my dad and carlton. i miss my town dude. like i love liberty and my friends here but like i dunno i miss my city and my family and friends and stuff. i'm stoked for summer.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************bro can i jjust say that umm yeah i'm going to see friggin KE$HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLALAKSDJOCIAJROAQEJRF;ALKSDJ;KD JCAOIVJ A;DOVKJAS;DL VKAJAS; DKVAS;ODJAS ;DOVJADS; KVJA;DLKJ EOFAIUERFHAU IHFAKDJ ASDV JA;OIDJS D;KIJD VAS;IDJ;OSIDFA;DOIJC I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS!! AND i may have BACK STAGE PASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if i met ke$ha?!?! omgsh i dont think i could contain myself!! i would probably pee on myself hahahahahahahaha omgsh i cant waittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more later my loves :)
so yeah that took some time :)
anyways yuhh, sunday i went to church with daniel and then we went out to lunch with some of his friends. i got to know some of the people which was tight and i'm actually going on a sleep over with those people this friday those that'll be tight. the girls that i met invited me to with them to get my ears pierced. so i was gonna get half way between like the top and the bottom pierced and we were gonna do it at walmart cause it's cheap.. but the walmarts in lynchburg stopped piercing ears and it's like $87 to get your ears pierced at claires. so not worth it. so we didn't get anything pierced. then i went to dinner and the the clab with hannah and uriah and jeremy. we got bored and went to the dollar theater later though and saw unknown with one of uriah's friends and yuhh. it was chill.
can i just say i hate being a girl some times. boys are sooo lucky they dont have to go through pms. not a period. just pms. like foreals i would be fine with having a period. like yeah it's annoying, but i could deal with it, but friggin pms. ughhh it pisses me off. and i'm one of the lucky ones (at least for now) since i dont get cramps. i just feel like dump all the time. like i'm crazy. depressed and angry at the same time hahahahahaha and sleepy. like i'm always tired but when i'm pmsing it's 9872384237 times worse. so since this months pms has been so bad my mom thinks i need to go to the doctor and get stuff altered which i kinda do. i just want to see my mom and my dog and my dad and carlton. i miss my town dude. like i love liberty and my friends here but like i dunno i miss my city and my family and friends and stuff. i'm stoked for summer.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************bro can i jjust say that umm yeah i'm going to see friggin KE$HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLALAKSDJOCIAJROAQEJRF;ALKSDJ;KD JCAOIVJ A;DOVKJAS;DL VKAJAS; DKVAS;ODJAS ;DOVJADS; KVJA;DLKJ EOFAIUERFHAU IHFAKDJ ASDV JA;OIDJS D;KIJD VAS;IDJ;OSIDFA;DOIJC I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS!! AND i may have BACK STAGE PASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if i met ke$ha?!?! omgsh i dont think i could contain myself!! i would probably pee on myself hahahahahahahaha omgsh i cant waittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more later my loves :)
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