Monday, March 1, 2010


i feel bad for the families that suffered their loses this weekend. i think back and realize just how lucky i am. i thank God that i got help. those kids.. they could have been me. it's so weird to think about now. it's hard to believe that around this time about five years ago i was those kids. i know what they feel and that's why i think i feel so bad for them. they were lost. i was lost. they felt pain and resentment as did i. nothing seemed to be worth living for but now everything in my life is a spectrum of colors. i love where i am. my family. my friends. i know that if those kids had just talked to someone and gotten the help they needed they could have loved their lives too. they were definately upset and disheartened and it kills me. how many other people that i know feel that way? not everyone shows that they are feeling these things on their sleeves. how do you figure that out? how can i get those people to open up to me?

another thing that's crazy are the earthquakes in chile. those poor people. i pray that they will find all those that are missing and i pray that there will be peace and comfort to the friends and families of those who lost their lives. now all we can do is hope and pray that alejandro is fine and that everyone will be found.

it feels like everything is just zooming by me.

i've found two new hobbies though :)

1. i've found myself constantly looking up many differnt pictures of random abstact makeup and brides showing their colorful shoes under their dresses lately :)) i don't know why but i feel like i've been inspired so much and thus i've been doing much more in my sketchbook lately it's weird.

that one's my favorite :))

things seem to be getting so crazy around here.

2. i've been working extensively with photoshop on my school laptop. i don't know why but i love taking something that is one thing and altering it completely so that there is a new focal point. it just intreges me so :)

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